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Posts tagged ‘Character’

A Beauty Beyond the Face ..


“No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful.”― Eleanor Roosevelt

The first time someone caught my attention was when i was in the 5th grade. She was fair and beautiful. I longed to be with her but my self-esteem hold me back. I remember many a Saturdays riding my bicycle to her house over 20 kilometers away and just wait on the other side of her house behind the bushes to have a glance of that beautiful face. Not many times have i done that. Why would one drive all the way  when he can meet her every day when there is school ? 🙂 i purused her, silently. And i boasted about my unending love for her, yet the pain of no response and insult from my friends for being a fool. It’s been over 15 years now, still my eyes look for beauty, i cannot take it out. It is a part of me. I would be a hypocrite to say that i do not look at beautiful women. However, in the last 2-3 years, a lot have changed in what beauty means to me.

Every man seeks for the beauty and every woman seeks for that care and protection. I will be looking into the beauty part of it as of now. It was, is and always will be the driving of man for beauty and the pleasure of enjoying the beauty and making it own. One of the properties of Truth is that it is consistent and constant as the time goes by. it may build up and get better, but never contradict nor fade away. Which means that whatever  we claim to be True, whether may it be True Beauty, True Love, True peace, True Joy, True Life, or True ‘anything’, it Has to be consistent. The physical Beauty of a woman maybe instantly captivating, yet as the age goes by it is fading. Then what is in her that makes her worth captivating ?

The ‘Old Living Book’ says “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.”. So the real beauty is beyond what is instantly seen or pleasured. One of the reasons whyBeauty and Character relationships break down is because of men fails to see the beauty beyond what the eyes can see, and their eyes are still in their pursuit of satisfying that appetite for fresh instantly pleasing beauty. Finally, it opens doors for multiple partners and relationships outside marriage.

The man who is captivated the character of his woman (singular), is the one going to be forever in True Love with her, for as the years passes by her character becomes finer, and she becomes the most beautiful woman in the whole world, for he know her beyond what his eyes meet. All being easy to write and say, Yet the question remains … HOW ?

The Bible says “God looks at the heart”, and everything comes from the heart according to the condition of the heart. Only God can transform our hearts, and it is our privilege to ask God to look into our heart and help us change it into something worth His glory.

Men, Look to God, He is your God and source of Unlimited Love. Take charge and be responsible steward of what is given to you. Tame your passions. Let Him transform our heart and character which would enable us to see beyond what our eyes can see. Look at the character of  the woman, love her, protect her, respect her. And when the time comes in mono committed relational privacy, secure her in your love and protection till the time ends.,.


Woman, Look to God, He is your First Love, and the source of Unlimited Love, Security and protection. Let your beauty reflect that of Christ which makes you responsible for how you take care of yourself. Carry yourself with dignity. Allow God to work in your character so that you may find the will of God, His Holy will, and the man who will lead you in the adventure of  Pursuing the Greater Purposes of God. .